単発プレス作業時の声掛けルール 目的作業中断の原因では作業者に対する声掛けにて未加工が発生する可能性があるためルールを明確化する声掛け側止む translation - 単発プレス作業時の声掛けルール 目的作業中断の原因では作業者に対する声掛けにて未加工が発生する可能性があるためルールを明確化する声掛け側止む English how to say

単発プレス作業時の声掛けルール 目的作業中断の原因では作業者に対する声

① 声を掛けられても自工程が完結するまで作業を止めないこと。
② 金型内にセットした製品が無いこと
③ 作業台・金型にチョイ置きが無いこと

① 異常時は作業を即時停止し管理者に連絡する。止める・呼ぶ・待つの実施
② 声掛けによる場合は声掛けルールに従う
③ 正常に加工が終了して作業を止める場合、加工を作業工程が終了して完成箱に

① 管理監督者に確認し再会すること
② 声掛けルールに従うこと
③ 金型内に製品残り及び金型周りにチョイ置き無いことを確認して再開する

1. プレス加工する前にブランク入れ・シュートに前製品・異物・異品が
2. 加工前・加工後の製品が明確になっているかを確認する
3. カウンターのスイッチが入になっているか確認する
1. 製品の落下物を発見した際は必ず赤箱に投入すること
1. 完成品に品番・数量を記入する
2. 類似品は近くに置かないようにする

(1) チョイ置き:使いたい時探す手間が増える
(2) 仮置き:先入・先出等が難しくなり品質・コスト・納期・
(1) チョイ置き:作業状態を明示する「段替え中」・「使用中等」等
(2) 仮置き:下記の「仮置き品の扱い」に従って「一時仮置き品札」
(1) 保管期間は原則1週間以内「一時仮置き品札」を掲示する
(2) 通路・トラ線枠内・黄線枠外への一時仮置きは禁止とする
(3) 課長承認を得て掲示・一時仮置きする

実施テーマ 作業中の心構え 目的 注意散漫作業による工程飛び。誤組付け防止
① 作業に集中出来ず、工程飛び・誤組付けと起こす
② 自分だけではなく他の人が工程飛び・誤組付けを起こす
③ 不良品に気づかず流出する
① 不良車両を一時保管場所の確保が必要
② 車両より不良品の取り外し及び取付けのムダな費用が生ずる。
③ 販売店への発送遅れ
④ お客様の信用を失う
1. 作業時間内はおしゃべりをしない
2. 作業時間内はよそ見をしない
3. 作業ミスや作業をもたついてしまいリズムが崩れてしまっても、いそがず・あわてず
4. ライン外者(準直者)は作業中の作業者に声を掛けないこと
5. 身だしなみ
1. 上記を守らない行為が見受けられたらアンドンで管理・監督者を呼ぶ
2. 管理・監督者は作業者の作業状況を観察することを怠らない
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
Single press during voice seat rules PurposeBecause in the disruption caused by them to cause the rawRule clarificationVoice hang sideHang out, waiting down calls to resign at the end of operation(When you had completed stage finish: machined products)Workers check items(1) do not stop working until a complete self-operational procedure also hung out.(To complete the work from the corresponding)(2) no product set in the mold that(3) that there no Choi put workbenches, dies* Do not obey the rules...Dies in raw goods remaining... more misunderstanding flying process leads to product flowThere are fears2Single press break and resume rulesPurposeRules to clarify that raw can occur during work interruptions and started working forBreak rules(1) emergency stops working immediately and contact your administrator. Stop, call, wait for the implementationAnd abnormalEquipment failure, abnormal products and unusual things, etc.(2) according to the attendants if you follow the voice hung rules(3) processing completed successfully, stop the work if the process exits process to completePut mold remaining product and tooling around Choi put checks without equipment離れる事再開のルール① 管理監督者に確認し再会すること確認事項:金型内に製品残り及び金型周りにチョイ置き無いことを確認する② 声掛けルールに従うこと③ 金型内に製品残り及び金型周りにチョイ置き無いことを確認して再開する※ルールを守らないと・・・金型未加工品残り・・・勘違いによる工程飛び品流出等に繋がる恐れがある3プレス作業標準書段取り時1. プレス加工する前にブランク入れ・シュートに前製品・異物・異品が残っていないか確認する2. 加工前・加工後の製品が明確になっているかを確認する3. カウンターのスイッチが入になっているか確認する作業中1. 製品の落下物を発見した際は必ず赤箱に投入すること※拾い込みの禁止2.金型にブランクをセットした状態で席を離れないこと。 セットしたものを加工してから、次の動作に移ること 作業に戻った際に金型の中に製品が残っていた場合 管理者が報告する事。(止める・呼ぶ・待つの実施) 別紙:中断ルール・声掛けルール参照3.完成品・半完成品の表示を確実にする。作業終了時1. 完成品に品番・数量を記入する2. 類似品は近くに置かないようにする4チョイ置き・仮置き品ルール(1)チョイ置き:工具・サンプル・台車・パレット・手袋等と置くこと(2)仮置き:製品や材料・空箱等を置くことチョイ置き・仮置きの問題点(1) チョイ置き:使いたい時探す手間が増える 危険な作業状態になり易い(2) 仮置き:先入・先出等が難しくなり品質・コスト・納期・安全への影響が出易いチョイ置き・仮置きの許容状態(1) チョイ置き:作業状態を明示する「段替え中」・「使用中等」等 明示する(2) 仮置き:下記の「仮置き品の扱い」に従って「一時仮置き品札」を掲示して一時仮置きする仮置き品の扱い(1) 保管期間は原則1週間以内「一時仮置き品札」を掲示する(保管期間の書き直しは不可。新規に作成して掲示する)(2) 通路・トラ線枠内・黄線枠外への一時仮置きは禁止とする(3) 課長承認を得て掲示・一時仮置きする5良い製品品質を作るための実施ポイント実施テーマ 作業中の心構え 目的 注意散漫作業による工程飛び。誤組付け防止=製品品質にどんな影響が発生するか=① 作業に集中出来ず、工程飛び・誤組付けと起こす② 自分だけではなく他の人が工程飛び・誤組付けを起こす③ 不良品に気づかず流出する=客先として=① 不良車両を一時保管場所の確保が必要② 車両より不良品の取り外し及び取付けのムダな費用が生ずる。③ 販売店への発送遅れ④ お客様の信用を失う※全て会社のお金です。「実施のポイント(カン・コツ)1. 作業時間内はおしゃべりをしない必要な話の場合はワンサイクル終了してから応答する。分からない時や困った時はどんな小さなことでも作業者同士で話しをせずアンドンで管理・監督者を呼ぶこと話しかけられた側は受け答えせずにワンサイクル停止後アンドンで管理・監督者を呼ぶこと2. 作業時間内はよそ見をしない通路を歩いている人、特に社外者に対しては見てしまう場合があり得る3. 作業ミスや作業をもたついてしまいリズムが崩れてしまっても、いそがず・あわてず標準作業通りの作業、確認すること。4. ライン外者(準直者)は作業中の作業者に声を掛けないこと必要な話の場合はワンサイクル終了してから話しかける5. 身だしなみ帽子を正しくかぶる(製品に髪の毛が咬み込み不良になる)服装・・・袖のボタン等(機械に巻き込まれ怪我をする)「実施結果の確認のポイント」1. 上記を守らない行為が見受けられたらアンドンで管理・監督者を呼ぶ2. 管理・監督者は作業者の作業状況を観察することを怠らない
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
Single press operation at the time of voice credit rules
for raw is likely to occur in the voice credit for the worker in the cause of the interruption of the work
to clarify the rules
and voice-seat side
is working process when you put a voice to not finished cease Wait until the end multiplied by the voice
(working process end: when was placed in a complete box the processed goods)
worker confirmation item
that ① voice chipping is also self-process does not stop the work to completion.
(It corresponds from to complete the work)
that there is no product that was set in ② mold
③ bench, that there is no place Choi to mold
※ do not observe the rules and ...
die within Unfinished remaining ... leading to process fly goods outflow by misunderstanding
risk is 2 to suspension and restart rules of single press operation aim to clarify the rules since there is a possibility that raw occurs when to start work interruption and work interruption rules ① abnormal When contact immediately stopped administrator work. to stop, call-waiting of implementation is an abnormal thing, etc., different from the equipment failure and products abnormal, always the case due to the ② voice credit to follow the voice credit rules If you stop ③ work finished successfully processing, the working process is complete the processing and the complete box to make sure that the defunct Place Choi from putting into the mold around product remaining and the mold, the equipment departing resumption of rules ① managers and supervisors to confirmed the reunion to be sure matters: in the mold product remaining and it is confirmed that there is no place Choi around mold ② thing to follow the voice credit rules resume Make sure that in the ③ mold not put Choi around product remaining and die if you do not observe the rules ※ · ... there is a risk that lead to process fly goods outflow due mold Unfinished remaining ... misunderstanding 3 press work standard manual setup time of 1. The previous products, foreign matter, different goods in blank put chute prior to press working to ensure that no remaining 2. Check whether the product after processing before and processing has become clear 3. It is checked whether the counter of the switch is set to enter the work in 1. When you find a product of falling objects be turned always to red box ※ pick-inclusive ban 2. Do not leave the seat in a state of setting the blanks in the mold. And after processing those set, it proceeds to the next operation when the remained product is in the mold when it is returned to the work by the administrator reports. and (stop-called pine for implementation) Attachment: interruption rule voice credit rules reference 3. To ensure the display of the finished goods and semi-finished products. Work at the end of 1. Fill in the part number and quantity in the finished product 2. Similar products Do not place near 4 Choi Place - temporary placement goods rules Place (1) Choi: placing the tool sample truck palette gloves, etc. (2) temporary placement: products and materials and empty boxes, etc. that put Choi Place - temporary placement of the problem is placed (1) Choi: Find time increases when you want to use easy to become a dangerous working condition (2) temporary placement: the first-in, first-in first-out or the like is difficult to be quality, cost and delivery time - out effect on the safety easy Choi Place - temporary placement of the allowable state (1) Choi Place: demonstrate a working state "during the stage sort", "moderate use" and the like demonstrate (2) temporary placement: the following "temporary every article of treatment "in accordance with" Temporary temporary placement goods bill " will be And then one o'clock temporarily placed posting of temporary storage goods treatment (1) storage period principle within one week will be posted "Temporary temporary storage goods tag" of the (storage period rewrite is not allowed. posted by creating new) (2) Pauses temporarily placed to the passage tiger line frame in-yellow line outside the frame will be prohibited will be posted, one o'clock temporarily placed to give the (3) section manager approval 5 good implementation point of order to make the product quality to jump step by mental attitude purpose distraction work of implementation theme in the work. Mis-mounting prevention = product or = what impact occurs in the quality can not be concentrated in the ① work, causing the process jump-mis-mounting other people not only ② their causes a jump and mis-assembly process ③ defective outflow to not notice the = as customers = ① necessary to secure the defective vehicle a temporary storage location for removal and installation of waste of defective product than ② vehicle cost occurs. ③ shipping delay to the dealer lose ④ your credit ※ It is all company money. "Point (Kang knack) of implementation within the 1. working time not talking in the case of necessary story to respond to from the end of one cycle. when when Ya in trouble you do not know the story in the worker each other also every little thing management and in Andon and without it it is referred to as the supervisor side, which is spoken it is referred to managers and supervisors in one cycle after stopping Andon without comeback within 2. working time not to look away people who are walking down the aisle, especially outside person for the case is possible that you would look to be gone collapsed rhythm 3. will be Motatsui the work mistakes and work, and hurry not, panic not work a standard work street, confirmation should be given. 4. out-of-line person (quasi-linear) who can not call out to workers in the work talk is from the end of one cycle in the case of necessary story 5. grooming will wear a hat correctly (narrowing hair to product bite failure ) Dress ... sleeve buttons and the like (caught in the machinery of injury) "check point of the implementation result" 1. Referred to managers and supervisors in Andon Once act that does not comply with the above is seen 2. Management and supervisors neglect that to observe the working conditions of workers

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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
Discrete time of press working rules aimed at work at the voice of the cause for the operator to the voice in the unprocessed when there is a potential for clarification of rules to stop at the side end of the voice in the voice on the working process to wait for voice on completion of work process: process work until its processed products to get a complete box to check items, including voice
① operator to stop. The product can not be set at the inside of the mold )
② corresponding to finish the work atWhether the working table and the mold, and not just on the estimation of no choice rules in rough mold at rest, by mistake, there is a possibility that the time of interruption / resumption at the aim of rule 2 may be connected to a single press working process and outflow to fly work work starts not working for clarification of rules at the
① abnormal interruption rule manager to work for an immediate halt to contact. Such things at different embodiment at the stop and wait for the call to equipment failure and abnormal when productsWhen the process is completed
③ according to the normal rules to stop working when processing the voice by the voice, the machining process is completed without placing too make sure product and mold in the mold around the rest into the box at the completion of the items to be checked again confirmed. It is well to leave the resumption of
① rule at the facility management to the supervisor: according to the voice
② rules in place to die and mold product Choi around no restEstimation of rules to check whether the mold in the mold and the rest put Choy products around that cannot be protected with the rest of the mold is not processed in time. It is the third book press work standard at the setup steps can be exported by a fly press to shoot before putting the blank before the foreign products, and products that make sure no 2. 3. To make clear before and after processing products are at the counter of a switch that checkWhile working at the first discovery of the product when it falls into the estimation is always up in the red box ban, such that the die seat is placed in the blank. From the process to set to work at it, and move on to the next operation to report cases of management products left in the die when I returned. To stop the call waiting for execution, including: break the rule, the voice Annex 3 rules refer to ensure finished products and semi-finished products. At the end of the work.
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