1 DC平成27年2月日本学術振興会特別研究員-DC平成28年度採用分募集要項1.趣旨 優れた若手研究者に、その研究生活の初期において、自由 translation - 1 DC平成27年2月日本学術振興会特別研究員-DC平成28年度採用分募集要項1.趣旨 優れた若手研究者に、その研究生活の初期において、自由 English how to say

1 DC平成27年2月日本学術振興会特別研究員-DC平成28年度採用分

1 DC
特別研究員-DC1(大学院博士課程在学者) 約 700 名
特別研究員-DC2(大学院博士課程在学者) 約1,100 名
※ 採用予定数は平成28年度予算の状況により変更されます。
(1) 特別研究員-DC1(大学院博士課程在学者)
在学年次 平成28年4月1日現在、我が国の大学院博士課程に在学し、次のいずれかに該当する者(外
① 区分制の博士課程後期第1年次相当(在学月数12 ヶ月未満)に在学する者
② 一貫制の博士課程第3年次相当(在学月数24 ヶ月以上36 ヶ月未満)に在学する者
③ 後期3年の課程のみの博士課程第1年次相当(在学月数12 ヶ月未満)に在学する者
④ 医学、歯学、薬学又は獣医学系の4年制の博士課程第2年次相当(在学月数 12 ヶ月以
上24 ヶ月未満)に在学する者
※ ①~③において、平成28年4月に博士課程後期等に進学する予定の者を含む。
※ 申請後、博士課程において休学をした場合は、申請資格を満たさない場合があるため留意すること。
(2) 特別研究員-DC2(大学院博士課程在学者)
在学年次 平成28年4月1日現在、我が国の大学院博士課程に在学し、次のいずれかに該当する者(外
① 区分制の博士課程後期第2年次以上の年次相当(在学月数12 ヶ月以上36 ヶ月未満)に
② 一貫制の博士課程第4年次以上の年次相当(在学月数36 ヶ月以上60 ヶ月未満)に在学
③ 後期3年の課程のみの博士課程第2年次以上の年次相当(在学月数12 ヶ月以上36 ヶ月
④ 医学、歯学、薬学又は獣医学系の4年制の博士課程第3年次以上の年次相当(在学月数
24 ヶ月以上48 ヶ月未満)に在学する者
※ 平成28年4月1日において我が国の大学院博士課程に標準修業年限を超えて在学することになる者は、
※ 申請後、休学をした場合は、申請資格を満たさない場合があるため留意すること。
DC 2
(3) 長期履修学生の申請について
が、採用年度の 4 月 1 日時点において、通常履修に戻ることが必要です。また、申請資格については、長期履
(4) 申請資格にかかる休学の取扱いについて
博士課程における休学期間は在学月数に含みません。ただし、休学期間の合計が 6 ヶ月未満の場合は在学月
数に加算し、申請資格の確認をいたします。(例:在学月数6 ヶ月+休学期間6 ヶ月→在学月数6 ヶ月相当のた
め申請資格DC1。在学月数7 ヶ月+休学期間5 ヶ月→合計6 ヶ月未満の休学は在学月数に加算し、在学月数
12 ヶ月相当のため申請資格DC2)
また、休学の単位は月とし、1 日の休学でも 1 ヶ月とみなします。ただし、学期等の都合で機関の取り決め
がある場合は取り決めに沿って換算して構いません。(例:秋学期が9 月25 日から開始のため、9 月25 日~翌
年度9 月24 日までの休学を12 ヶ月の休学とみなす等)
(1) 特別研究員-DC1:平成28年4月1日から平成31年3月31日までの3年間
(2) 特別研究員-DC2:平成28年4月1日から平成30年3月31日までの2年間
※ 大学院設置基準第13条の「研究指導の委託」により、他の大学院又は研究所等(外国の研究機関を含む。)において必要
(1) 特別研究員-DC1:月額200,000 円
(2) 特別研究員-DC2:月額200,000 円
会の審査を経て毎年度150 万円以内の研究費が交付されます。
10.申請手続(参考 「申請手続の概要」を参照)【電子申請システムのみで申請を受け付けます】
電子申請のご案内URL http://www-shinsei.jsps.go.jp/index.html
作成要領URL http://www.jsps.go.jp/j-pd/pd_sin.html
操作手引URL http://www-shinsei.jsps.go.jp/topyousei/download-yo.html
(1)申請手続を行う機関 (以下「申請機関」という。)
① 特別研究員-DC1:申請時に在学する大学院又は出身の大学院
② 特別研究員-DC2:受入研究機関
3 DC
(2) 電子申請システムによる手続
(3) 提出書類 【紙媒体による申請は受理しません】
① 申請書(DC 用)
申請書は次の3 つから構成されます。
(ア) 申請書情報(使用言語:日本語)
(イ) 申請内容ファイル(使用言語:日本語又は英語)
(ウ) 評価書:現在の研究指導者より(使用言語:日本語又は英語)
② 申請機関において作成する書類【紙媒体による提出が必要】
(ア) 平成28年度特別研究員申請件数一覧(兼受入承諾書) ………………………………………1部
(イ) 平成28年度特別研究員申請リスト ………………………………………………………………1部
(4) 申請書類の提出方法
また、10.申請手続 (3)② (ア)(イ)を以下の期間に紙媒体で提出してください。
受付期間:平成27年6月2日(火)~ 平成27年6月4日(木)17:00【必着】
※電子申請システムでは手続きが完了していても、10.申請手続 (3)② (ア) 特別研究員申請件数一覧(兼受入承諾
書)と(イ) 特別研究員申請リストが期限までに到着しない場合には、申請を受理しません。提出物の配達遅延、紛失
〒102-0083 東京都千代田区麹町5-3-1 麹町ビジネスセンター
独立行政法人日本学術振興会 研究者養成課 特別研究員募集担当
DC 4
(1) 選考
特別研究員ホームページ選考方法URL http://www.jsps.go.jp/j-pd/pd_houhou.html
From: -
To: -
Results (English) 1: [Copy]
1 DC2/2015Japan Society for the promotion of science special researcher, DCMarch 28, 2003-recruitment1. Outline Excellent young researchers, at the beginning of their studies, under the creative initiative in research, etc. chooseWe develop creative research future researchers to give you the opportunity to focus on research onIn is extremely important. For this reason, independent administrative institution Japan Society for the promotion (hereinafter referred to as "the Association". ), In Japanese graduate school doctoral degree studentsWho you would like to have excellent research skills, and to focus on research at the University "research fellow-DC" to the researchProvide the financial incentives.2. Target areas All fields of the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences3. Employment, number of new hires Research fellow-DC1 (Graduate School of doctoral degree students) about 700 Research fellow-DC2 (Graduate School of doctoral degree students) about 1100 people The number of new hires will change depending on the budget as of 0/2016.4. Eligible to apply for Eligibility according to the adopted classification, as follows. Must meet this eligibility at the time of adoption.Will. (Shall be based on the standards for the establishment of doctoral. A system of its own institutions, such as the accelerated graduation programIf you are available please contact the institution (University, etc.). )(1) special researcher-DC1 (Graduate School of doctoral students).By attending annual 4/1/2016 current, and enrolled in graduate school in Japan, do either of the following are true (out ofIncluding foreign)(1) student category-Dr. late No. 1 annual equivalent (under the school months 12 months)(2) student of Dr. No. 3 annual equivalent (school months 24 months or more but less than 36 months)(3) student only late 3-year course Dr. No. 1 annual equivalent (under the school months 12 months)(4) 4-year course in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy or veterinary sciences doctor degree 2 annual worth (student at months 12 months.On less than 24 months) to the student* (1) and (3), including a person who intends to 4/2016 students in the doctoral program, etc..* Things to keep in mind because when leave of absence in the doctoral program after application do not meet the eligibility.(2) special researcher-DC2 (Graduate School of doctoral students).By attending annual 4/1/2016 current, and enrolled in graduate school in Japan, do either of the following are true (out ofIncluding foreign)(1) category-PhD course late annual equal to the second annual considerably (school months 12 months or more and less than 36 months)Currently enrolled in(2) at the annual equivalent of the integrated doctoral program no. 4 year or higher (school months 36 months or more but less than 60 months)A person who(3) only the latter three-year course doctoral course annual equal to the second annual worth (at months 12 months or 36 monthsLess than) the student(4) for the 4-year course in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy or veterinary sciences doctoral program no. 3 annual or higher annual worth (attending number of monthsMore than 24 months, 48 months) at student* Who will be in the 4/1/2016 beyond the standard term of currently enrolled in graduate school in JapanResearch fellow-PD should apply (is scheduled to revise the handling 0/2018 better (see "Annex")).* Keep in mind because if you do not meet the eligibility if applying for leave of absence after that.Create the application form carefully and approach admissions.10. Application procedure: submit accepted only electronic application system* Future revision of eligibility will be carried out, "attachment" Please see. DC 2(3) proposals for long-term studentsHave benefited from the extended registration system does not employ special researcher. Therefore, students long-term application is availableThe adopted fiscal year April 1 date, usually returning to the course is required. It's also long track eligibility information,Regardless of use, system, see 4. Eligibility "of the school year are as follows.For the extended registration system by each agency different handling, please contact research institution (University, etc.).(4) handling of eligibility takes leave of absenceDoctor's absence is not included in the school months. However, total absence of school months is for less than six monthsNumber and the confirmation of eligibility. (Example: at months six months leave of absence period 6 months + → school months 6 months worth forImprove applicant qualification DC1. School months 7 months → + absence duration 5 months total less than six months leave of absence is added to the school months, and student number of monthsFor the 12-month equivalent of applicant qualifications DC2)Also in leave of absence and may consider any leave of absence for one day and one month. However, in term time arrangements of the institution.If there is zero along the arrangement, can be. (Example: fall semester from 9/25 for 9/25-next dayAnnual leave of absence until the 9/24 considered a 12-month leave of absence, etc.)5. Special researcher, hiring experienced eligibility Special researcher, hiring experts, you cannot reapply.0/2015 special research fellow-RPD prospective adopter for, ago the time of application the refusal procedure note that unlessYou cannot apply for adoption: 0/2016.6. Recruitment period(1) special research fellow DC 1: 3 years from 4/1/2016 to 3/31/2019(2) special research fellow DC 2: two years from 4/1/2016 to 3/31/20187. Research institutions (doctor course student organization) Special-DC1 research fellow and research fellow and graduate school in-DC2, Japan.* Research mandate of established standards, article 13 from another University or Research Institute, etc. (including foreign research institutions. ) In the requiredYou can do research.Furthermore, for overseas travel, see 15. Encouragement of overseas research activities "refer to.8. Research grant programExpected amount of 0/2016 as follows. And can be changed, for the amount of the scholarship.Do.(1) special research fellow DC 1: 200000 yen per month(2) special research fellow DC 2: 200000 yen per month9. Research expensesGiven are eligible to enter the science research expense subsidy (special grant-in-aid for JSPs Fellows), postdoctoral research fellow, science research and to this Committee.After an examination of the grants research expenses up to $ 1500000 per year.10. Application procedure (see reference overview of application procedures) [only in the electronic application system accepts applicants]Research fellow accept electronic application system. (Submission by mail application is accepted.ん。)詳細は、本会ホームページ内「電子申請のご案内」から「研究者養成事業」を参照してください。電子申請のご案内URL http://www-shinsei.jsps.go.jp/index.html申請書の作成にあたっては、必ず「平成28年度採用分特別研究員申請書作成要領」及び電子申請システムの該当の「操作手引」を熟読してください。作成要領URL http://www.jsps.go.jp/j-pd/pd_sin.html操作手引URL http://www-shinsei.jsps.go.jp/topyousei/download-yo.html(1)申請手続を行う機関 (以下「申請機関」という。)申請手続は、以下の機関を通じて行ってください。① 特別研究員-DC1:申請時に在学する大学院又は出身の大学院(ただし、海外の大学院に在学中もしくは出身の大学院が海外の場合は受入研究機関)② 特別研究員-DC2:受入研究機関3 DC(2) 電子申請システムによる手続申請者は、予め申請機関を通じてID・パスワードを取得した上で、電子申請システムにより申請書を提出(送信)してください。(3) 提出書類 【紙媒体による申請は受理しません】 ① 申請書(DC 用)申請書は次の3 つから構成されます。 (ア) 申請書情報(使用言語:日本語) 学歴・研究課題等を記載したもの。電子申請システム上で直接入力して作成してください。 (イ) 申請内容ファイル(使用言語:日本語又は英語) 現在までの研究状況・これからの研究計画・研究業績等を記載したもの。本会ホームページ又は電子申請システムからダウンロードして所定の様式を取得し、作成後、電子申請システムに登録してください。申請書はモノクロ(グレースケール)印刷を行い審査委員に送付するため、印刷した際、内容が不鮮明とならないよう、作成に当たっては留意してください。 (ウ) 評価書:現在の研究指導者より(使用言語:日本語又は英語)電子申請システムにより、評価者へ評価書作成依頼を行ってください。評価者は発行されたID・パスワードで電子申請システムにログインし、評価書を作成してください。なお、申請者は評価書の内容を確認することは出来ません。② 申請機関において作成する書類【紙媒体による提出が必要】 次の(ア)及び(イ)については、申請機関において電子申請システムを用いて作成してください。(ア) 平成28年度特別研究員申請件数一覧(兼受入承諾書) ………………………………………1部※特別研究員-PDと併せて1部提出(イ) 平成28年度特別研究員申請リスト ………………………………………………………………1部(4) 申請書類の提出方法申請書類は申請機関を通じて本会へ提出(送信)してください。11.本会の申請受付期間【申請者】申請機関が指定する期限までに、電子申請システムより申請書を提出(送信)してください。※機関への提出期限は機関ごとに異なっているため、必ず提出期限を事前に申請機関へご確認ください。【申請機関担当者】以下の期限までに、電子申請システム上で申請書を承認(「申請リスト」を確定)し、申請書を本会に提出(送信)してください。提出(送信)期限:平成27年6月2日(火)17:00【厳守】※上記の期限後に提出(送信)があっても受理しませんので、時間には十分余裕を持って提出(送信)してください。また、10.申請手続 (3)② (ア)(イ)を以下の期間に紙媒体で提出してください。受付期間:平成27年6月2日(火)~ 平成27年6月4日(木)17:00【必着】※電子申請システムでは手続きが完了していても、10.申請手続 (3)② (ア) 特別研究員申請件数一覧(兼受入承諾書)と(イ) 特別研究員申請リストが期限までに到着しない場合には、申請を受理しません。提出物の配達遅延、紛失等については原則考慮いたしませんので、特定記録郵便等、機関側にて本会への到着が確認可能な提出方法を使用してください。本会への到着確認問い合わせには対応いたしません。<申請書類提出先> 〒102-0083 東京都千代田区麹町5-3-1 麹町ビジネスセンター 独立行政法人日本学術振興会 研究者養成課 特別研究員募集担当DC 412.選考及び結果の開示(1) 選考選考は、本会の特別研究員等審査会において第1次選考(書類選考)及び第2次選考(面接選考)により行います。ただし、第1次選考(書類選考)合格者のうち、書類選考の結果によっては、第2次選考(面接選考)を免除し、第1次選考をもって採用内定予定とする場合があります。第2次選考(面接選考)は、第1次選考(書類選考)合格者のうち、面接選考を要する者について平成27年11月下旬又は12月上旬ごろに行う予定です。第2次選考(面接選考)後、面接免除者も含む合格者を採用内定といたします。なお、書面審査は申請者の分科細目に応じて6人の専門委員により行いますが、申請件数が少ない細目については、適切な相対評価ができるように、関連する細目を組み合わせて審査を行います。審査の詳細については、本会「特別研究員」ホームページ上の「選考方法」の項目を参照してください。特別研究員ホームページ選考方法URL http://www.jsps.go.jp/j-pd/pd_houhou.html主要な審査方針は、以下のとおりです。〔審査方針〕特別研究員-DC1、特別研究員-DC2
Being translated, please wait..
Results (English) 2:[Copy]
1 DC
in February 2015
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Fellow -DC
2016 fiscal year adopted minute Application Guidelines
1. Purport
to excellent young researchers, at the beginning of the academic life, Na select the initiative in research issues, etc. to the original free-thinking
giving the opportunity to concentrate in La research, the future of Japan's academic research order to foster rich researchers creativity to play
it is very important in.
For this reason, Japan Society for the Promotion of independent administrative agency (hereinafter referred to as the "Society.") Is a graduate doctoral students enrolled in our country,
those who wish to have excellent research capabilities, to focus on research in the university was adopted in "special researcher -DC", research
and paid incentives.
2. Subject areas
Humanities, all areas of social science and natural science
3. Adopted classification and adopted scheduled number
Fellow -DC1 (Graduate School of doctoral students enrolled) about 700 people
Fellow -DC2 (Graduate School of doctoral students enrolled) about 1,100
※ adoption scheduled number will be changed by the situation of the 2016 fiscal year budget.
4. Eligibility
Eligibility is as follows: in accordance with adopted classification. You must meet the eligibility at the time of adoption
you. (For doctoral program shall be based on the graduate school established criteria. Early completion program and the like, institution its own system
if you have been used, please check with the institution (university, etc.).)
(1) Research Fellow -DC1 ( Graduate School of doctoral students enrolled)
student annual April 1, 2016 currently enrolled in graduate school doctoral program of our country, person who falls under any of the following (outside
also including foreigners)
① classification system doctoral first annual equivalent (student months less than 12 months) to school to those who
② consistent system of doctoral third annual equivalent (student number of months less than 24 months or more, 36 months) to school to those who
Dr. ③ only course of late 3 years course the first annual equivalent (student months less than 12 months) student to a person in
④ medicine, dentistry, pharmacy or doctoral four-year second annual equivalent (student number of months 12 months or more veterinary-based
on 24 months The student is a person in less than)
in ※ ① ~ ③, including a person you plan to go on to doctoral or the like to April 2016.
※ After application, if you have a leave of absence in the doctoral program, and to take note because there is if you do not meet the eligibility.
(2) Research Fellow -DC2 (Graduate School of doctoral students enrolled)
attending the annual April 1, 2016 currently enrolled in graduate school doctoral program in Japan, (outside person who falls under any of the following
also including foreigners)
① classification system of doctoral second annual or more of the annual equivalent (less than a student months 12 months or more, 36 months) to
the student who
② consistent regulations doctoral fourth annual or more of the annual equivalent of (student number of months 36 student in less than 60 months) or more months
to persons
③ late three years of the course only doctoral second annual or more of the annual equivalent of (student months 12 months or more 36 months
attending to persons less than)
④ medicine, dentistry, pharmacy or veterinary system of four-year doctoral program third annual or more of annual equivalent of (student number of months
the person who is enrolled in less than 24 months for more than 48 months)
in Japan graduate doctoral program in ※ April 1, 2016 The person that will be enrolled beyond the standard term of study,
please apply to special researcher -PD (than the 2018 fiscal year, it plans to revise this instruction (see "Appendix")).
※ After application, the case of a leave of absence to be noted because that may not meet the eligibility.
Please create a perusal on the application form the application guidelines.
10. Application Procedures: accept the application only in the electronic application system
for the revision of eligibility the Implementation ※ future plans, please refer to the "Annex".
DC 2
(3) for the application of the long-term course students
will not be adopted in a special researcher who is using the long-term course system. Therefore, the application of long-term course student is possible
, but in the April 1 date and time point of the adoption year, is necessary to return to a normal course. In addition, with respect to eligibility, long-term footwear
regardless of the use of Osamu system, it will be as a student annual "4. Eligibility".
It should be noted that, for long-term course plans the handling is different by each institution, please check to affiliated research institutions (universities, etc.).
(4) Handling of leave of absence in accordance with the eligibility
leave of absence period in the doctoral program is not included in the student number of months. However, in the case of the total is less than 6 months of leave of absence period student month
is added to the number, we will check the eligibility. (Example: student number of months 6 months + leave of absence period 6 months → student number of months 6 months corresponded of
adding in order Eligibility DC1 student number of months 7 months + leave of absence period 5 months → total of less than six months leave of absence the student number of months. is, student number of months
for the 12-month equivalent Eligibility DC2)
Also, the unit of the leave of absence to the moon, it is regarded as one month at a leave of absence of one day. However, arrangements of institutions on account of the semester, etc.
It does not matter in terms along the agreement if there is. (Example: for a start from the fall semester is September 25, September 25 - next
regarded as a leave of absence of 12 months leave of absence until the fiscal year September 24, etc.)
5. Fellow adoption experience of Eligibility
Research Fellow adoption experience will not be able to apply again.
It is to be noted that the 2015 fiscal Fellow -RPD adopted nominee, unless you have a decline procedure until the time of application,
you will not be able to apply to the 2016 fiscal year adopted minutes.
6. Adoption period
(1) Research Fellow -DC1: March 28, April 3 years until March 31, 2019 from 1 day
(2) Research Fellow -DC2: March 2018 from April 1, 2016 2 years until the 31st
7. Accepted research institutions (doctoral student organization)
is met fellow -DC1 and fellow -DC2, then a graduate school of our country to be a student.
※ by the "commission of research guidance" of graduate school established criteria Article 13, necessary in other graduate schools or research institutes (including the research institutions of foreign countries.)
It is possible to carry out the research.
It is to be noted that the overseas travel, please refer to the "15. Encouragement of research activities in foreign countries".
8. Research incentives
planned to be paid the amount of the 2016 fiscal year are as follows. It should be noted, are subject to change for the amount of research incentives or
the vinegar.
(1) Research Fellow -DC1: monthly 200,000 yen
(2) Research Fellow -DC2: monthly 200,000 yen
9. Research funding
to special researcher, given the eligibility of Scientific Research Grant Program (Fellows costs), the Society for Scientific Research Committee
will be issued research expenses within every year 1.5 million yen through the examination of the Board.
10. Application procedures [will accept an application only in the electronic application system (reference see "Overview of application procedures")
application for a Fellow will be accepted through the electronic application system. (I can not accept submission by mail of the application form
does.) For more information, please refer to the "Research Training Project" from within the Society home page "guidance of electronic application."
Guidance URL http://www-shinsei.jsps.go.jp/index.html of electronic application
In preparing the application form, be sure "2016 fiscal year adopted minute Fellow application created guidelines" and the electronic application system
appropriate Please read the "Operation Guide" of.
Creating guidelines URL http://www.jsps.go.jp/j-pd/pd_sin.html
Operation Guide URL Http://Www-shinsei.Jsps.Go.Jp/topyousei/download-yo.Html
(1) the applicant (hereinafter. hereinafter referred to as "the applicant authority") organization to perform the procedure
application procedures, please go through the following organizations.
① Research Fellow -DC1: graduate school or graduate of graduate students at the time of application
(however, accepted research institutions if the student or graduate of the Graduate School of overseas graduate overseas)
② Research Fellow -DC2: accepted research institutes
3 ​​DC
(2 ) proceedings by electronic application system
applicant, in terms of acquiring the ID · password in advance through the applying organization, the application form by the electronic application system
please submit (send).
(3) does not accept application by paper media] filings
① application form (for DC)
application form is made ​​up from the following three.
(A) application form information (Language: Japanese)
Education and research issues such as the ones described. Please create by typing directly on the electronic application system.
(B) application content file (Language: Japanese or English)
that described the research situation, the future of research planning and research achievements to date, and the like. Society home page or electricity
to get the prescribed form can be downloaded from the child application system, after creation, will continue to registered in the electronic application system
be sure.
For application form is to be sent to the review committee conducted a monochrome (gray scale) printing, when printed, the content is not
so that does not become clear, please noted that in preparing.
(C) Assessment: than the current research leaders: (use language Japanese or English)
by the electronic application system, please do the evaluation report generation request to the evaluator. Evaluator issued ID · pa
Log in to the electronic application system in Seward, please create an assessment report. In addition, the applicant is the contents of the evaluation report
can not be confirmed.
② [must be submitted by the paper medium] documents that you create in the applicant organization
for the following (a) and (b), please created using the electronic application system at the applicant organization.
(A) 2016 fiscal Fellow filings list (and accepted written consent) ............................................. 1 part
※ 1 part submitted in conjunction with fellow PD
(i) 2016 year fellowship application list ........................................................................ 1 part
(4) how to submit the application documents
submitted application documents to the Society through the applying organization ( please send.
11. Application acceptance period of the Society
[the applicant]
by the deadline the applicant authority to specify, please submit the application form from the electronic application system (transmission).
※ Since the deadline for submitting to authority is different for each institution, please check to be sure the applicant institution a deadline in advance.
[Applying organization personnel]
until the following deadline, approved the application form on the electronic application system (accept the "application list"), submit an application to the Society
, please (transmission).
Submission (transmission) deadline: June 2, 2015 (Tuesday) 17:00 [punctuality]
※ because it does not accept even if there is submitted (sent) after the above-mentioned deadline, submitted with a sufficient margin to the time ( please send.
In addition, 10. Application Procedures (3) ② Please submit a paper medium in the following period (A) (i).
Acceptance period: June 2, 2015 (Tuesday) - June 4, 2015 (Thursday) 17:00 [no later than]
. ※ even if you procedure is completed in the electronic application system, 10 application procedures (3) ② (a) Research Fellow filings list (and accepted consent
if the manual) and (b) Research Fellow application list does not arrive on time, it does not accept the application. Delivery delay of the submission, lost
because we do not in principle taken into consideration such as, specific record mail, etc., using the arrival of the Society for confirmation can be submitted way in engine-side
please. It does not correspond to the arrival confirmation query to the Society.
<Application documents submitted destination>
102-0083 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 5-3-1 Kojimachi business center
National Institute of Japan Society for the Promotion of Research Training Division Fellow recruitment charge
DC 4
12. Selection and disclosure of the results
(1) selection
selection is, by the first-order selection in special researcher, etc. Committee of Society (document screening) and the second-order selection (interview selection)
do Ri. However, the first-order selection of the (document screening) who pass, depending on the result of document screening, secondary screening (the surface
of the contact selection) are exempt, you might want to adopt prospective plan Omotte first preliminary screening.
Secondary selection (interview selection), the first-order selection (document screening) of the successful candidates, Heisei for those who require the interview selection
is scheduled to perform in around 27 years late November or early December. After the second-order selection (interview selection), the total also includes interview exempt
I do and adoption prospective the rating person.
It should be noted that, although written examination is done by six expert committee of depending on the subcommittee details of the applicant, details filings is less
about, so that it can be appropriate relative evaluation, do the examination with a combination of relevant details . Details of the examination
for, please refer to the item of "selection method" on the Society "special researcher" website.
Fellow home page selection method URL http://www.jsps.go.jp/j-pd/pd_houhou.html
major review policy are as follows.
[Review policy]
Fellow -DC1, Fellow -DC2
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