「そんな勝手なことを言って世間が通りますか or people understand whether they say such a selfish thing, and the world goes "A selfish thing to say or pass through the world, will convince people
World is or people understand whether they say such a selfish thing do you as saying that such selfish ", and the world goes " a selfish thing to say or pass through the world, will convince people
"A selfish thing to say, or pass through the world or people understand whether they say such a selfish thing, and the world goes " A selfish thing to say or pass through the world, will convince people
[or I say such a selfish thing, and the world goes, orpeopleunderstandwhethertheysaysuchaselfishthing,andtheworldgoes "Aselfishthingtosayorpassthroughtheworld,willconvincepeople]